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Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Flood of the Mind

So, ever since I got out of school, I have been having a flood of inspiration for writing.  I currently have 9 stories which I am trying to get out into the market, 2 of them in Writers of the Future.

I also have received 6 rejection letters to date.  More for me to feed on.

But, in eiter case, I finally got rid of a lot of distractions I was facing while I was in school (not saying school was a distraction, but you know what I mean)

Which leads me to the writing tip of the week...

Distractons, distractions, distractions


I know everyone likes to use Facebook all the time, but it was one of the things which was eating up all of my time.  If I didn't finally get away from Facebook, I would not have the ammount of stories I have completed.

It's not only a writing area thing, it's a thinking thing as well.  You can find inspiration from anywhere, as long as you're finding inspiration.

Try to keep your writing area clean so you can keep your mind clean.  Also, try to keep your distractions to a minimum.  If you need to or can, disable your internet connections while setting aside your time for writing.  It's one of the best things you can do for your stories.

Random Sentence of the Blog

Solar flares always interfere with my mind, but its to be expected when you're a robot.


Science fiction is a way in which we, as writers, show the future. However, no matter what the future brings, there is one unchanging constant: human nature. The question we address is do we find that frightening or comforting?

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