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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

It seems like my life is getting full of stuff I have to do anymore.  Between school work, volunteering, working on starting a Writer's Guild at the college, work, and writing, I am finding fewer hours in the day to work on everything I want to work on.  5 classes in 1 semester should not be considered full time here.  It's filling up my life with a lot of work and I'm just hoping I don't burn out before the semester's over.  I'm already about 1/3 of the way through.  I just need to push on ahead and finish up.


One way which has kept me sane and on track with my creative writing is scheduling out time to actually write.  I really suggest writer's do this every day so they can continue to improve their skills.  Isaac Asimov took a 9-5 approach to writing and he had hundreds of books published.

My suggestion for breaking down your scheduled time should be this way.

1/3 for brainstorming
1/3 for writing
1/3 for revising

So, for the first part of your writing time, you should be brainstorming of new stories.  This kind of stuff helps to not only build the number of stories you can write (and perhaps sell), but it will help prepare your mind to write and get the creative juices flowing.  Then, working on writing will keep the creativity going while changing your focus to a more formal format.  Finally, revision is key to ensure the story stays on track, so it goes at the end because there are times you can use new information you may have thought of before to make the story come alive in a different way.


The cloak surrounded the dark mage, almost seeming to engulf his very existence.


I wonder sometimes if the motivation for writers ought to be contempt, not admiration
~Orson Scott Card

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