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Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Yes, progress indeed.  I have finished up the rough drafts of two more stories, making 4 short stories now in the revision process.  This should be interesting if I can get them all finished by March (I won't know what to submit to Writers of the Future by then).  But, at least I am breaking through the barriers of writer's block and working on getting several of my short stories finished.  On the other hand, I don't want to get so back-logged it makes revisions into a damned pain.

Which leads me into the writing tip of the week...

Get organized

Yes, I hate to admit to it since I am one of the must unorganized people around, but you need to at least set a game plan on writing and revising them.  Without that, you'll end up with tons of rough drafts and an overwhelming revision ahead of you (believe me, it's not fun).

So far, I'm trying to bang out each story's revisions every week.  If they need more than one, they just go to the end of the list.  Rotation between stories will also help because they will allow your mind to remove itself from the story and, once you get back to it, have a fresh perspective.

Random Sentence of the Week

The cold wind seemed so inviting to Richard, calling him to shut his eyes.

Quote of the Week

"I don't try to describe the future.  I try to prevent it."
~Ray Bradbury 

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