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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Writers of the Future Contest

Well, I have entered the Writers of the Future Contest for the second time.  Contest regulations dictate I cannot give any details about the story I have submitted, but I can ensure you it is some of my best work.  Hopefully I'll hear the news by mid-March.

As for the other stuff I'm writing, I am waiting on one story to finish up sometime this week (I may ask for an editor's take on it, but I think I can get it from here).  I can't help it, there are so many universes floating around in this head of mine and it's taking a long time for me to sort them all out and get them down on paper.

Which leads me into my writer's tip for the week.  If you get an idea in your head, make sure to jot it down as soon as you get it.  You don't need to feel like you need to complete the story right away, but at least get the idea down on paper so it can grow in your mind.  This is typically the format I take.

Background - The basic synopsis of the story (what happens)

Setting - The backdrop of the story, such as where and when it takes place.

Characters - Don't be afraid of character names change.  A good tool is a name-searching website that gives you the meaning of the different names.  Believe me, it helped me find a good name for one story.

Message: If the story has a purpose, make sure you write it down.  You would hate to argue with yourself in the story and lose.

Symbols:  If you story is going to have a recurring theme, be sure to remember it throughout the story.  Don't drop it mid-way through or you will leave your readers (and editors) wondering why you left it out.

And, for the random sentence of the week to write on, try this one on for size.

Arthur stood waiting at the bus stop, wondering when the rain would stop soaking him to the bone.

Quote of the Week
You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.  ~Ray Bradbury

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