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Monday, January 31, 2011

Snow Coming to the Midwest

So it looks like my area is going to be dowsed in snow for the next couple of days, so I figured I would end up writing my blog today instead of on the usual Tuesdays.  It will probably keep me home for a few days instead of going to class, but I know at least being snowed in will get me caught up on homework but further along on my other stories as well.  Currently, I wrote down all of my short story ideas and found I have 30 potential sales (amazing since I have only one which I felt was ready for reading by the WotF judges for this past quarter).

Which eventually leads me into my writing tip for the week.  I hate to sound like my High School English teacher in saying this, but this is very true...


It is easy for us authors to see what we have created and say, "I love this because it's like a child to me."  However, we need to remember we need to help raise that child into maturity as well.  This is why I always tell other authors there is one important rule in writing.  Revision, Revision, Revision.  It is here where you hone your ideas from the "Idea Sheet" I posted last week.

As for peer revision, it's a good idea, but do not rely on it too much.  If you keep on tapping one person to help you edit your work, it will not be your work but their work as well.  You can do it if you're a young writer to find what patterns you fall into (like my long-windedness and telling not showing).  However, ultimately you need to be in charge of your works, making the final decisions on what rules to follow and, more importantly, what rules to break.

BTW, last week's sentence caused me to write a few paragraphs on Arthur being the reincarnation of King Arthur and seeing flashbacks of his death with the rain.  So, here's next week's sentence:

As the general stood upon the hill, he smiled at the senses which surrounded him.


If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood.  I'd type a little faster.
~Isaac Asimov

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